Organization of American States Summits of the Americas
Follow-up and Implementation: Mandates


  1. Improve user-centered public service design and delivery, fostering cooperation with public, private, and civil society stakeholders to create public value. (Regional Agenda for Digital Transformation, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Strengthen articulation with the private sector, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders to promote shared responsibility and cooperation, and design coordinated actions for digital security and trust in the face of risks in the digital world. (Regional Agenda for Digital Transformation, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. The responsible authorities commit to develop an Action Plan in consultation with diverse stakeholders, including civil society and other social actors and the private sector, as appropriate. (Action Plan on Health and Resilience in the Americas, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. To advance the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forest and Land Use, national deforestation and conservation commitments, and regional efforts to halt and reverse deforestation and conserve, sustainably manage, and use ecosystems, we commit to strengthen our efforts to:

    • b. Develop national plans and new initiatives, as appropriate, with the participation of civil society, the private sector, and other stakeholders, to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation and to conserve or protect 30 percent of lands and waters by 2030 (30x30), aligned with each country’s nationally determined contribution (NDC) and net zero emissions target, as applicable; (Our Sustainable Green Future, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. To accelerate measures on climate change adaptation, taking into account different national circumstances, we intend to:

    • c. Enhance environmental education, through research and active and inclusive participation from all stakeholders to build capacities for climate change adaptation and mitigation for current and future generations, including youth, indigenous peoples, persons of African descent, civil society, women’s organizations, the private sector, policymakers, practitioners, and persons working in related industries;. (Our Sustainable Green Future, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Take note of the recommendations of the Civil Society and Social Actors Forum, the Young Americas Forum, and the CEO Summit of the Americas. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022)

  1. Promote strategic partnerships among the different sectors of civil society and social actors, and national and local governments, to prevent and fight against corruption, including anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and programs, and to implement international best practices of transparency and accountability. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022)

  1. Foster multi-stakeholder forums for dialogue among the public sector, the private sector, and civil society, including women’s and youth organizations and social actors, to strengthen democratic practices, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, anticorruption, and open government efforts, including:

    • a. Participatory processes to promote government accountability and public trust in government, such as the development of informative communiques, social public commitments or citizen charters, as appropriate, which set forth what inhabitants can expect from public services and how to access them;

    • b. Community development planning processes, taking into account, in particular, the existence of inclusive processes, with a gender perspective, particularly with regard to post-COVID recovery and resilience to climate change that are inclusive of groups in vulnerable situations and/or historically discriminated against, and provide community members agency and oversight in the use of development resources;

    • c. Open, free, informed, and prior consultations with indigenous communities, leaders, and authorities, as appropriate and in accordance with domestic legislation, especially in the development, planning, follow-up, and assessment of policies that affect their way of life;

    • d. Establishing or effectively implementing laws or regulations to make consultation with stakeholders a systematic and essential part of the process of drafting laws and regulations, consistent with the domestic laws of each State;

    • e. Improving access to information to respond to the needs and capacities of stakeholders in order to improve understanding of the problem in question and garner well-grounded observations;

    • f. Promoting parliamentarian engagement as an integral part of the Summits process through ParlAmericas, the interparliamentary organization of the Hemisphere, and other parliamentary organizations. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Promote regional mechanisms to facilitate meaningful participation of civil society and social actors, including women’s and youth organizations in monitoring the implementation of the Summit commitments. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022)

  1. Promote transparency and reliance by our governments on good regulatory and administrative practices that protect people, increase accountability, predictability and inclusion, and support strong and resilient economies, through measures such as:

    • a. Establishing, maintaining, or improving our respective processes and mechanisms to develop regulations in an open and transparent manner with citizen participation, and take concrete steps to implement good regulatory practices across the region, including through cooperative activities, sharing best practices, engagement with the private sector, and bilateral and multilateral initiatives. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Continue implementing recommendations received through the Follow-Up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption (MESICIC); reporting annually to MESICIC on progress made addressing these recommendations; and fostering the participation of civil society, the private sector, and social actors in the prevention of and fight against corruption, including initiatives that encourage public consultations, education and awareness, promote citizen participation in decision-making processes, and enable civil society to engage in monitoring and oversight, as appropriate and according to domestic legislation. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022)

  1. Continue meeting the commitments undertaken at the Eighth Summit of the Americas, in particular the Lima Commitment on Democratic Governance Against Corruption, while reaffirming our commitment to treaties such as the UN Convention against Corruption, the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, and the InterAmerican Convention Against Corruption, and taking the following actions:

    • h. Strengthen and guarantee spaces for citizen participation, such as citizen observatories or other social control and participation mechanisms, where appropriate, for the implementation of measures for prevention of and fight against corruption and impunity. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Work with civil society, workers groups, and employer sector representatives to eliminate forced labor, child labor, and violence, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace; to decrease informality in the labor market; and to protect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, including the protection of workers from reprisals for exercising these rights. (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022)

  1. Take concrete actions, with the participation and collaboration of civil society, to improve the promotion and protection of human rights defenders, including those working on environmental matters, to include:

    • a. The development of consultative processes, particularly regarding the enactment of laws, public policies, development projects, and the creation of a safe and enabling environment for civil society to work; (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).

  1. Support free and fair elections with full respect for state sovereignty, through the following measures, in accordance with domestic law:

    • e. Promote and encourage throughout the Hemisphere conditions such that candidates and elected officials better reflect the diverse composition of society without discrimination; (Inter-American Action Plan on Democratic Governance, IX Summit of the Americas, Los Angeles, 2022).


  1. Continuing to strengthen national anti-corruption measures or systems and enhancing conditions for the effective participation of civil society, social organizations, academia, the private sector, citizens, and other social actors in monitoring government performance, including the development of prevention mechanisms, channels for reporting possible acts of corruption and facilitating the work of watchdogs including other citizen oversight mechanisms, and incentivizing the adoption of digital means of participation. (Lima Commitment. Peru, 2018).

  1. Taking note of the recommendations of the Civil Society and Social Actors Forum, the Youth Forum of the Americas, the Forum of Indigenous Peoples, the ParlAmericas Open Parliament Network, and the Americas Business Dialogue. (Lima Commitment. Peru, 2018).

  1. We welcome, in the framework of this Summit, the holding of the first meeting of the Forum of University Rectors of the Americas and as an opportunity for strengthening their interaction, dialogue, and sharing and exchanging information and achievements on research initiatives, cooperation, and innovative practices with government—particularly the education authorities—, the business sector, and civil society organizations and social actors. We take note with interest of the results of the Forum. (Education, Initiatives VII Summit of the Americas, Panama City, 2015).

  1. To continue promoting and supporting participation by civil society and social actors in dialogue with the states as an ongoing mechanism for participation and consultation in order to contribute to the formulation and implementation of public policies and programs aimed at achieving prosperity with equity and social inclusion. (Citizen Participation, Initiatives VII Summit of the Americas, Panama City, 2015).

  1. To facilitate equitable, pluralistic, broad, secure, and reliable access to new information and communication technologies in order to promote and build new forms of citizen participation, with full respect for all human rights, including the right to privacy, as set out in article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. (Citizen Participation, Initiatives VII Summit of the Americas, Panama City, 2015).

  1. To give priority to nutrition, particularly child nutrition, in the fight against poverty, hunger, and inequality and, in this context, we underscore the importance of joint efforts by the public and private sectors, civil society, and other social actors. (Poverty, Inequality, and Inequity, Cartagena, 2012).

  1. To promote the development, coordination, and implementation of strategies and projects, as appropriate, for expanding access to, and use of, ICTs with the support and participation of international organizations, the private sector, social actors, and communities, in order to achieve greater social inclusion and improve the quality of life of our peoples. (Access to and use of Information and Communication Technologies, Cartagena, 2012).

  1. We commit to continue encouraging the participation of our peoples, through the engagement of our citizens, communities and civil society in the design and execution of development policies and programmes, by providing technical and financial assistance, as appropriate, and in accordance with national legislation to strengthen and build their capacity to participate more fully in the inter-American system (Declaration of Port of Spain, 2009).

  1. To request the General Secretariat of the OAS to present for the consideration of the political bodies of the Organization, before 2007, an inter-American program including the exchange of experiences and best practices to strengthen in our countries mechanisms for the participation and collaboration in governance by civil society organizations, the private sector, and the citizenry at large, specifically in the development of public policy for the generation of employment and the fight against poverty, including local governments, in a framework of inclusive social dialogue that takes into account the vulnerability of the most excluded sectors of our societies.(Plan of Action Mar del Plata, 2005).

  1. We agree that, through citizen participation, civil society organizations should contribute to the design, implementation, and evaluation of public policies adopted by different orders or levels of government. We recognize the role of civil society and its contribution to sound public administration and we reaffirm the importance of continuing to forge new partnerships that will enable constructive ties to be built between governments, nongovernmental organizations, international organizations, and the diverse sectors of civil society to work in favor of development and democracy (Declaration of Nuevo León, 2004).

  1. We encourage the participation of civil society in the Summits of the Americas process and we undertake to institutionalize meetings with civil society and with the academic and private sectors (Declaration of Nuevo León, 2004).

  1. We welcome and value the contributions of civil society, including business and labor organizations, to our Plan of Action. We affirm that openness and transparency are vital to building public awareness and legitimacy for our undertakings. We call upon all citizens of the Americas to contribute to the Summit process (Declaration of Québec, 2001).

  1. Recognizing the important role of participation by civil society in the consolidation of democracy and that this participation constitutes one of the vital elements for the success of development policies, noting that men and women have the right to participate, with equality and equity, in the decision-making processes affecting their lives and well-being, and considering that the diversity of opinion, experience and technical expertise of civil society constitute a significant and valuable resource for initiatives and responses of government and democratic institutions; (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. Seek to establish public and private funding instruments aimed at building the capacity of civil society organizations in order to highlight the work and contribution of these organizations and to promote accountability; (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. Develop strategies at the national level and through the OAS, other multilateral organizations and MDBs to increase the capacity of civil society to participate more fully in the inter-American system, as well as in the political, economic and social development of their communities and countries, fostering representativeness and facilitating the participation of all sectors of society; and increase the institutional capacity of governments to receive, absorb and act on civil society input and advocacy, particularly through the use of information and communications technologies; (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. Promote participation of all minority groups in forging a stronger civil society; (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. Develop educational programs, in conjunction with relevant civil society organizations, academic experts and others, as appropriate, to provide democracy and human rights education and to promote the introduction of books and educational materials that reflect the ethnic, cultural and religious diversity of the Americas as part of primary and secondary school curricula; (Plan of Action Québec, 2001).

  1. Promote, with the participation of civil society, the development of principles and recommendations for institutional frameworks to stimulate the formation of responsible and transparent, non-profit and other civil society organizations, including, where appropriate, programs for volunteers, and encourage, in accordance with national priorities, public sector-civil society dialogue and partnerships in the areas that are considered pertinent in this Plan of Action. In this context the Organization of American States (OAS) may serve as a forum for the exchange of experiences and information. (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. In this process, draw upon existing initiatives that promote increased participation of civil society in public issues, such as relevant successful experiences from the National Councils for Sustainable Development and the Inter-American Strategy for Public Participation, among others. As soon as possible, Governments will adopt work plans to implement legal and institutional frameworks based on the principles and recommendations in their respective countries. (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. Entrust the OAS to encourage support among Governments and civil society organizations, and to promote appropriate programs to carry out this initiative, and request the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB ) to develop and implement, along with interested States and other inter-American institutions, hemispheric financial mechanisms specially devoted to the implementation of programs oriented toward strengthening civil society and public participation mechanisms (Plan of Action Santiago, 1998).

  1. We will support and encourage, as a basic requisite for sustainable development, broad participation by civil society in the decision-making process, including policies and programs and their design, implementation, and evaluation. To this end, we will promote the enhancement of institutional mechanisms for public participation. (Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996).

  • III.4.15. In order to support the specific initiatives on public participation contained in the Plan of Action, entrust the OAS with assigning priority to the formulation of an inter-American strategy for the promotion of public participation in decision-making for sustainable development, taking into account the recommendations of the Inter-American Seminar on Public Participation held in Montevideo in 1996. (Plan of Action Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996).

  • III.4.16. The strategy should promote the exchange of experiences and information among government representatives and civil society groups with regard to the formulation, implementation, and improvement of sustainable development policies and programs, legal and institutional mechanisms, including access to and flow of information among the relevant actors, training programs, and consultation processes used at the national level to ensure civil society involvement. Establish consultation processes at the regional level, such as regular fora for government-civil society dialogue at relevant high-level meetings convened by the OAS, and when necessary support the integration and strengthening of national sustainable development councils, drawing on the experience of Central America and other existing councils in the Hemisphere.(Plan of Action Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 1996).

  • 3.2 Review the regulatory framework for non-governmental actors with a view to facilitating their operations and promoting their ability to receive fund s. This review will emphasize the management and oversight of resources as well as transparency and the accountability to society of said actors. (Plan of Action Miami, 1994).

  • 3.3 Take steps to improve the participation in social activities and initiatives of groups traditionally marginalized, including women, youth, indigenous people and the extremely poor. Exchange progress reports on activities in the civil society area at the 1996 Summit Conference on Sustainable Development in Bolivia. (Plan of Action Miami, 1994).

  • 3.4 Consider the development by the IDB of a new Civil Society Program to encourage responsible and accountable philanthropy and civic engagement in public policy issues .(Plan of Action Miami, 1994).



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